Are you a professional or entrepreneur who wants to build a strong, lean & energetic body around your busy schedule?Or are you experiencing debilitating pain and injuries?

Hey there,

Thanks for dropping by.I'm Marcus, a physiotherapist (AHPC), and certified strength and conditioning specialist (NSCA).My mission is simple:To help you achieve your health and fitness goals while managing painful musculoskeletal conditions when they arise.I started The Mind Body Lab to assist people of all ages, including athletes, older adults, and general fitness enthusiasts, in enhancing their physical performance, health, and overall fitness, enabling them to perform at their best in any activity.Whether you want to improve your athletic abilities, maintain mobility and strength as you age, or just want to lose fat. I'm here to help.I stay current on the latest research on strength & conditioning, exercise science, and rehabilitation to get you the best results.But it wasn't always like this..

about me photo (marcus)

What People Are Saying


Here you'll find a wealth of health, training, and nutrition information through my blog and social media posts. However, If you're looking for
personalized guidance to achieve your fitness goals, I offer individual coaching with the expertise, accountability, and regular feedback you need to succeed.
Here’s an overview of the coaching plans I offer:

Injury & Rehabilitation Coaching

Solve persistent aches and pains


starting monthly cost

☑ licensed AHPC-registered physiotherapists

☑ Initial face-to-face consult/assessment
(Separate charge)

☑ One time consultation, or 3months, 6 months packages available

☑ Customized Rehab-focused Programming with videos provided

☑ Exercise form checks and performance-oriented approach

Online Training Programming & Nutrition Coaching

Break plateaus, and shed fat.
Standalone or combined programming options available


starting monthly cost

☑ Monthly or discounted long-term plans available

☑ Individualized training/nutrition coaching

☑ Online progress monitoring and technique check

☑ Bi-Weekly/monthly check-ins and unlimited E-mail/WhatsApp support

In-Person Coaching

Ideal for beginners who require professional guidance and motivation to get started


starting per session cost

☑ Pay-per-session, or 12, 24 session Packages available

☑ Private gym space/Your home gym

☑ Individualized training program & nutrition coaching

☑ In-person exercise technique review

☑ Programming strictly limited to in-person sessions only.

☑ Bi-weekly/Monthly check-ins and unlimited E-mail/WhatsApp support


If you are wondering which plan is right for you, do contact me.I'll reach out to coordinate a chat, get to know your specific needs, and recommend the right program for you.Click the button below to get in touch:


This endeavour of mine began when I was going through my clinical rotations at various acute and community hospitals as a student physiotherapist, where I witnessed first-hand how poor lifestyle habits can lead to serious health consequences, including the onset of chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol (which are well documented in research to cause further health complications like a stroke, or heart disease).During this time, I also realized that life is fragile. It can be taken away in a second.I knew then that I wanted to make a difference and help people prevent such illnesses from happening. Why not do something now?Here's a quote that strongly resonates with my mission:"There comes a point where we need to stop just pulling people out of the river. We need to go upstream and find out why they're falling in."
- Bishop Desmond Tutu
Before my role as a physiotherapist, I've helped countless clients achieve their health and fitness goals through personalized coaching. I began my fitness journey in 2019 and have since learned many things about getting stronger, losing fat, and improving cardiovascular health. I've also come across several myths and misconceptions about health & fitness that I'd love to debunk for you, most of which, you can learn about through my blog.My mission is to empower you with the necessary guidance and knowledge to proactively manage your health in a sustainable manner. By equipping you with the tools to take charge of your well-being, my ultimate goal is to render my services unnecessary.You don’t have to follow the latest trending 'diet' on social media in order to get there. You can feel healthy, fit, and above all, happy and confident in your own body.As a busy professional or entrepreneur, I understand how challenging it can be to prioritize your health and fitness.With my comprehensive approach to health, and having a network of specialists that I can refer to, you can be assured that you'll get holistic care at each step of the way.I have experienced and seen how improving our health can positively impact our lives in many ways. It can help you feel better about going into a job interview, it can give you more energy to play with your kids, and it can allow you to enjoy the beauty of the mountains as you hike because you’re not struggling to catch your breath.Being in good health dramatically improves our quality of life.In short, whether you're looking to improve your overall fitness, recover from an injury, or prevent and manage chronic diseases, I'm here to help you reach your goals.

Let's Connect.

I love meeting and working with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures.If you have an idea for a collaboration, let's chat.Click below to contact me directly.

about me photo (marcus)

”A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”- Lao Tzu